
AquaMend UNDERWATER Repair Epoxy Putty, 4oz.

Original price was: $16.21.Current price is: $11.88.

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AquaMend is a hand-mixable, specialty epoxy putty for repairs to damp, wet areas and underwater surfaces. After mixing, it forms a polymer compound that may be applied underwater (either fresh or salt water) and will bond tenaciously to substrates such as fiberglass, concrete, ceramic,glass, metal, wood, and many plastics.

Each stick contains pre-measured portions of base and activator throughout – no measuring or mixing tools are necessary. The consistency (like modeling clay) eliminates drips and runs, facilitates adhesion to the substrate, and allows the material to be shaped and formed as needed before curing begins.

After 60 minutes the application can be drilled, sawed, sanded, carved, and painted.

AquaMend cures to an off-white color and is suitable for interior or exterior use. It is resistant to chemicals, water, and temperature extremes. AquaMend contains no solvents or VOCs. It is non-flammable and releases no noxious fumes. It won’t shrink or pull away.

The unused portion stays fresh for future use when saved in its original package.

Repair cracks in spas, hot tubs, pools, etc.
Patch dings, scratches, cuts and gouges in fiberglass, metal and wooden boat decks and hulls.
Rebuild body damage to surfboards, jet skis and other marine recreational equipment.
Seal leaks in water tanks.
Form custom gaskets.
Repair loose or cracked wall or floor tiles.

AquaMend Brochure

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